Thursday, 23 September 2010

Bubble dress

Following last nights TO-DO! Found it quite useful really. My bosses are therapists and write a yearly to-do list and try to accomplish goals through out the year. They do a half year review and grade themselved out of 10 on how much they tried on each goal which is really good for not beating yourself up about it. At the end of the year it will be good to share you mine and the rest of the new goals for 2011. But here's the list from yesterday:

Ticks, crosses, excuses

As for the 'pick outfit for tomorrow' it's semi-here, I cut the collar off an old top, I should of done a post today but literally lept into bed as soon as I came home from college today.

Collar-less + corsage

Ebay items on their way, Sending off a collar and necklace paypal have put my account on hold for goodness sakes, over £3.25 the miserable petty fools. GIMMIE MA MONEY!

I actually got this out of the way today. A huge bubble dress I made for my first project that's been sitting round college and I've been too worried to take it back home on the train I finally did today!

1 comment:

  1. That bubble dress is absolutely wild! What is it made of?
